Monday, July 11, 2011

Great Sand Dunes

If you are going to bring your dog to the Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado you must put shoes on your dog because the sand has magnetite in it which is black and that will attract the sun.  Not only that the Great Sand Dunes doesn't always have this nice cool stream (above) in front of it, Remember to bring lots of water and to stay hydrated wear good shoes like Keens or Nike tennis shoes (for people who dont know what keens are see link below.  It is hot in the day time that is why I recommend going at like 8:00 A.M.  that way you can get a nice spot and so it is not as hot.  If not please still go you will enjoy it and have fun this nice stream is fun to be in.  Dress lightly and wear sunscreen (apply on every hour).

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