Thursday, March 31, 2011

April fools!

I know it is called She must love dogs but here are some hilarious April Fools jokes.

what you will need:
saran wrap
First you will take the plastic wrap and tape one side of it, Then you pull it tight.  Tape it.

what you will need:
paper confetti
First, wait for a rainy day.  Then, you take the paper confetti. pour it into your mom's umbrella.

 what you will need:
white toothpaste
First, invite some friends over.  Then, you take the toothpaste and fill empty Oreos.  Leave some real Oreos out so you will eat some.

what you will need:
thumb tacks

First, you will arrange the tacks on the toilet seat then wait. 

It should turn out like this.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

humane society helper

The  Humane Society wants people who get dogs get them neutered or spayed because if dogs have babies they may not have homes so they live on the street and suffer for their lives.  Today i met a pit bull  named "Winky."  Winky lived on the street and only had one eye!  Winky needs to find a home Along with 3,800 dogs and cats that have no home.  If cats and dogs do not find homes they get to big and they only have a limited amount of food and space so they have to put the dogs and cats To sleep.  My teacher told me today that She one had a cat and a stray, they both became pregnant and had a 2 liters of babies.  That is 14 cats.  One more cat had 1 more liter and that is 20 cats they eventually had to go to the shelter.  Not all of them made it.  :( also, If dogs run around on the street with out being watched, the dogs get ran over or illegally captured for dog fights.  I also met the cutest dog named Manny.  He was so cute and had the sweetest look in his eye he was black and loved me anyway, he needed a  home and if he doesn't find a home he will be put to sleep.  One of my two dogs were neglected and were in their kennels for 22 hours a day.  Also get your dogs a rabies shot every year because rabies is deadly to dogs and cats.  Click here to see what you can do about dog behavior all over the world